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File 135377291195.jpg - (610.98KB , 2244x1770 , Gallen_Kallela_Lemminkainens_Mother.jpg )
1227 No. 1227
How can I become a more empathetic person?
>> No. 1228
Join one of those non-profit organisations that take you to a place where everyone lives in utter misery so you can help.

A year living like that should fix you right up.
>> No. 1229
Isn't that more like sympathy than empathy?

Empathy: The intellectual identification of the thoughts, feelings, or state of another person (i.e. you understand but not necessarily cares)

Sympathy: A feeling of pity or sorrow for the suffering or distress of another; compassion (i.e. you care)
>> No. 1230
Practice,I guess? Take time each day to think about someone and their situation, especially when it's someone about whom you make a snap negative judgment.

Talking to people about their situations/experiences in order to gain a better understanding would also help.
>> No. 1254
Yeah, but don't you need empathy to achieve sympathy?
>> No. 1274
Go one week naturally surviving with just the clothes on your back through the streets and slums? Can't? Well at least try to think about it
>> No. 1303
Large dose of shrooms. While tripping, contemplate all the people that have lived, laughed, suffered, toiled, and died since the dawn of time to bring the world to where it is now, a place where you can live a comparatively comfortable existence. Think then about all the people living contemporarily to you who do not have the comforts that you do. Consider the thought that, in a world of limited resources, it is most likely that but for the whim of chance you could have been born in any of their places, less fortunate, less comfortable, and less privileged. Having considered these thoughts, consider one more; if you were them, wouldn't you at least want for understanding and recognition from you? Wouldn't you wish that you had the clarity to realize that the greatest asset that any human can have is the acceptance and good will of fellow humans?

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