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File 135292106920.gif - (8.55KB , 150x117 , walleye_1.gif )
1207 No. 1207
So at lvl one you pay 10xp, at lvl 2 you pay 20xp and at lvl 3 you pay 30xp, and so on. What is the equation to graph the cost?
>> No. 1208
Are you fucking serious?
>> No. 1210
Im stupid, please help me out.
>> No. 1211
O, at lvl 30 you would have spent a total 60xp.
>> No. 1212
You mean the total cost or the cost for that level?
If its just the cost at each level then it's linear at a 1 to 10 ratio. If its total money spent to that point then it's a curve, since it would be that same 1 to 10 plus previous costs.
>> No. 1214
xp cost=lvl*10
>> No. 1218
Total cost to reach level X is:

sum( 10 * i, i = 1..X)

We can factor out the 10, since it does not depend on i.

10 * sum(i, i = 1..X)

The sum of consecutive integers is well known, and can be found with some googling if you forget it (like I do).

10 * ( X * (X + 1) / 2 )


5 * (X^2 + X)

>> No. 1225

You are a very mean man.

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