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File 135266189810.jpg - (47.81KB , 425x282 , sickboy.jpg )
1189 No. 1189
How do I make myself sick so I can get out of Thanksgiving with the family?
>> No. 1190
Heat a piece of zinc until it gets red hot and breathe the fumes it gives off.
>> No. 1192
Inducing Metal fumes fever may not be a good idea.

>The symptoms are nonspecific but are generally flu-like including fever, chills, nausea, headache, fatigue, muscle aches, joint pains, shortness of breath, chest pain, and cough. A sweet or metallic taste in the mouth may also be reported along with a dry or irritated throat which may lead to hoarseness. [6] Symptoms of a more severe metal toxicity may also include a burning sensation in the body, shock, no urine output, collapse, convulsions, shortness of breath, yellow eyes or yellow skin, rash, vomiting, watery or bloody diarrhea or low blood pressure, which require prompt medical attention.[7] Milder flu-like symptoms will normally disappear within 24 to 48 hours, and someone suffering from metal fume fever will usually feel well enough to return to work the next day, despite the fact that they may still be feeling a little bit under the weather. It often takes 4 days to fully recover.

It sounds like it may do the job too well. I personally wouldn't want to feel that shitty for four days just to get out of a family engagement.

Do you just need to sound convincingly sick over the phone, or will be be seeing family members in person?

I would suggest getting Bee Pollen at a health food store if you have any pollen allergies. I'm a little allergic to pollen and just a small spoonful of Bee Pollen had me stuffy, sneezing, and congested as if I had the worst cold ever. Passed in about two hours. Say you think you may have a flu, because person you know/work with had it when you saw them yesterday and now you do.

If it's not too rude of a question, why are you so desperate to not dine with your family?
>> No. 1193
find something that makes you vomit, and ingest it. you might not really be sick but it should at least give the appearance you are. i think its called a purgative or something
>> No. 1194
and make sure that other people know you are vomiting, do it in a nearby bathroom and they will hear it
>> No. 1201
It's called ipecac and it's really unpleasant. He would do better just not locking himself in his room and going to the dining area with his family and eating with them.

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>> No. 1219
drink hobo jizz

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