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1142 No. 1142
Bullshitters, I need your help!

I'm currently unemployed and looking for a job. I don't have a a degree yet and I only have experience with customer service retail slave jobs for the most part. I haven't had a legit job in a couple years, just a few odd jobs. How do I explain the employment gap? I'm a full time student (have been for 2 years) and I could probably swing using that plus saying I was caring for my elderly parent (which is only partly true, but it might be a better explanation than "I quit my job one day and never found another")...

I have never been good at making shit up or inflating the truth. I need help.
>> No. 1146
>I have never been good at making shit up or inflating the truth.
Well, don't outright lie then, because if you're a bad liar people will notice. What's the problem with saying you were studying full time, anyway?

I'm not good with lies either, but you could say you were self-employed selling electronics (or Star Wars figurines or whatever) on eBay but stopped because the profit margins were getting too thin.
>> No. 1147

Fair enough, thanks for the input.
>> No. 1170
find a recently closed restaurant or other place in the area, use a phone number of the friend and say the friend was a manager there or whatever. Have him say you're a good employee.

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