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1141 No. 1141
So I'm 20, and I am wondering. Do you start to like women your own age? Like when I am 30 will I like 30 year olds? I'm still attracted to girls 12-20 but not so much anything older than 25. Do tastes change as you get older?
>> No. 1144
Case-by-case basis.
>> No. 1145
I can still be physically attracted to younger girls, but I find older women to be attractive as well. I am only 21 but I would say that my tastes have aged slightly but noticeably as I have.

It's easy to look at jailbait and get off, but at least for me the point where I lose interest is in her personality. I can masterbate all day thinking about fucking Claire Abbot, but I know if I met a younger girl, even if I was sexually attracted to her, personality issues would probably overwhelm my libido in the long run.

I guess that still leaves open the possibility of being dubbed an ephebophile, but I honestly believe that, especially given generally earlier puberty in girls today, many, if not most men are probably attracted to girls barely aged into their teens. It's not politically correct, but what can you do.
>> No. 1172
It is hard to say whether your age tastes will change. Personally I would say they will not. You are idealizing these women that's what love and attraction to are, (and let's face it, I know I love porn and rap (and drugs) as much as the next if not more than) but these two once unified phenomena are being more and more divergent. You likely idealized some woman in your early sexual years who fit that category. You liked the motherly-ness of her. BDSM people are people who likely were abused physically by their primary caregivers. This is why we find mates in people who are in someways the inverse, some ways the same as our primary caregiver(s). The traits we didn't like in our parents became the ones we get the inverse of. this is likely where the idea of opposites attract came from. In someways however, our partners (or fantasy partners, if one chooses to or is unable to get real ones) tend to reflect the qualities shared by the primary caregiver(s).

For example, I am merely attracted to females. Especially ones with small noses and big brown eyes and big squishy titties and a big fat round ass. But most any female will do the trick if she is attainable. My dick feels mighty fine rubbing up in any healthy and clean female body part. My fetish is sex. I am a hedonist, sirs.
>> No. 1173
Oh and to add:

We likely find mates who also have the undesirable similarities to the primary caregeiver(s) because we are expecting to find their caring and loving nature as well.
>> No. 1177
I have a rather young(er) preference as well, OP, but in no way do I have a problem hooking up with chicks my age or older.

The taste varies from person to person, as your situation is nothing short of common.

We've all got those thoughts.
>> No. 1184
I'm turning 29 in a couple of months and I wouldn't seriously date anyone under 25. But just sex, I'm still attracting to 18 and 19 year olds, sure. I don't think that will ever go away. But would I try to date one? God no.

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