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File 13487068775.jpg - (215.22KB , 500x355 , 436.jpg )
1098 No. 1098
sometimes when I read I come across a paragraph I like and I want to write it down. that's tedious, with technology is there a novel way of photocopying a small piece of a book? I was thinking a hand-held scanner, or just taking a zoomed in picture of the text. then I'd file the pictures for each book as "interesting passages" or whatever.

anyone have ideas on computerized techniques of highlighting passages?
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>> No. 1100
>. that's tedious, with technology

Sentence structure disaster aside, you could always take a good picture of it.

I mean with an actual digital camera, not a cellphone or something, Jesus.
>> No. 1101
oh, I guess I could have used a semicolon there.

thanks for reinforcing the idea of a digital camera. I thought I might have been lambasted for such a simple idea; I'll consider it more of an option

anyone else have thoughts on capturing a piece of text?
>> No. 1102
File 134879582451.jpg - (41.16KB , 450x327 , Pen Scanner.jpg )
There are those pen scanners. I have no idea how well they work, but I imagine they'd be fine since printed letters are uniform.
>> No. 1103
The Google Translate app allows you to take pictures of text and attempts a translation. There are probably other apps/software that do text recognition, apart from good ol' regular scanners.
>> No. 1105
>pen scanners
so that's what they're called. thanks I'll look more into them, maybe I can find a way to make it work how I want

that's the type of tangent-info I was also hoping to learn. thanks for letting me know, I didn't know apps had text recognition like that

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