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  • Blotter updated: 2023-01-12 Show/Hide Show All

No. 1070
I'll be finishing my dual undergrad in May 2013. I'll have a BA in photo and a BA in philosophy. I have been in the process of applying to law school with pretty good prospects on the horizon, however I don't want to stop there. What I really want to do is go to med school and become a doctor. I have not taken ANY of the prereqs at all, nor do I plan to this school year. I'd like to get both M.D. and J.D. and practice medicine until I want to become a medical doctor. I prob should have gone the med school route first. I found a few dual enrollment programs (Baylor, Duke, U of Miami) but I've heard mixed responses about that.

1. Would it be better to go ahead and get the J.D. from a good law school, maybe do law for a couple years to pay off loans (if I have any at all, none so far = poor orphan) or save money? THEN go to a post bacc program or uni, then med school. This is a good option bc there's a good chance I'll get into a T1 law school and have much of tuition paid for, maybe even keep my cushy campus IT job. OR

2. Graduate from current uni, return, work on campus part time, and take prereqs there 1-2 years. THEN attempt the med school route. Then law school after that.

Can you gents give me your thoughts?
>> No. 1071
How did you make the jump from photography and philosophy to law and medicine? I think you need to get your priorities figured out man.
>> No. 1072
Well it's simple really. Philosophy offers so much room for electives that I decided to do something that I enjoyed in my spare time. Law school was always the goal at the end of the BA degree. Medicine is something I wanted to do since midway through the BA, but by then I was too far along. My priorities are for the most part figured out.

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