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File 134533941589.jpg - (18.24KB , 400x299 , sweet-17b.jpg )
1020 No. 1020
>tfw your diapers are uncomfortable

I find adult diapers too large on me, but the only "training pants" that fit me are the XL goodnites, and those have absolutely abysmal capacity. Like, they leak after wetting #2, they're no good for a full day of activity. But then adult diapers are bad too since those are just too big, fit oddly and leak because they don't do up right.

What should I be wearing? Is there some midsize diaper I can use, or should I just get some scrap fabric and see if I can sew myself up a cloth diaper?
>> No. 1021
Don't adult diapers come in different sizes? I have a hard time believing they make Depends in one-size-fits-all.
>> No. 1022
They only come in two sizes. Small-Med and Med-Large.

Small-Med claims to be for a 19 to 34 inch waist, but I'm a 31-ish and find them a bit big. They're also very tall, they go up past my belly button.
>> No. 1024
I don't really know anything about disposable adult diapers except that they exist, but there are definitely cloth diapers and patterns available - for both babies and adults. The only difference is that you'll have to wash them regularly, and may or may not need to change them/the inserts more frequently. Disposable diapers have some sort of absorbent gel inside, whereas cloth will only hold so much liquid. But you can always give them a try and switch back later if you don't like them.

Here's a few links to get you started:



>> No. 1066
OP, as an adult baby fetishist I have heard from other AB/DLs that some of the best diapers you can buy are bambinos
I've heard of abinas being good too.
>> No. 1131
I have tried bambinos and let me tell you they hold a lot. If you are looking for something that can hold go for those, they may be a bit bulky though. I'd ask this on newfapchan as they have an ab/dl specific board. but if you want something easy to get tenas make a pretty absorbant diaper, in canada at least.

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