So, what do you think of jojo? i used to read the manga shitload of years ago, and saw the ovas, now i'm watching the new series and iam impressed, i hate the fact they censor the gory bits but it ain't that bad.
AOTYAY It's the quintessential shonen series, and the anime adaptation IS pretty faithful to the original.
>>578 JoJo is the bee's knees. Shit only gets better as it goes along, and Araki's art style gives my boner a boner. 10/10 would bang.
>>690 Yeah.
Next week is Death 13, I wonder how they'll handle Kakyouin feeding a baby its own shit in the TV version? Ora? or Muda?
>>1520 "Muda" literally means "balls" as in testicles in Croatian.