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415 No. 415
So I finished Steins;Gate yesterday.

I dunno, it was certainly worlds better than Chaos;HEAd, but I got the distinct feeling that a lot was cut out of it. As well, some asshole spoiled the Mr. Braun is FB reveal, so that kind of sucked. To be honest, though, it didn't really ruin a whole lot. If I hadn't known, I would have been anticipating the "evil shadowy organization" thing much more, and been slightly more disappointed (I think) with the direction it took.

Anyway, so I wanted to ask you: has anyone read the VN for Steins? And how does it stack up to the anime? I wanted to read the VN, but last I heard, it wasn't even close to being translated. And once the above was spoiled for me, I figured it wouldn't make much of a difference. However, the difference between Chaos;HEAd as a VN and an anime, to me, was so stark that it made me genuinely curious as to what else I missed.

All in all, though, I would put this anime in the top 5 I've seen. I'm a huge time-travel junkie, though, so I was highly anticipating that I'd like it. And, while the ending was a little bittersweet, it was a fantastic journey overall. Recommended to anyone who likes sci-fi, time travel, tsundere, or all of the above.
>> No. 420
>has anyone read the VN for Steins? And how does it stack up to the anime?

My friend has played it, he said it's superior to the anime.

>I wanted to read the VN, but last I heard, it wasn't even close to being translated.

The official translation hasn't been completed yet (as far as I know), but there is a pre-patch out which you can find on nyaatorrents which patches everything as far as I know (I believe you need a working copy of the VN to install it on top of though).

The original pre-patch torrent was up'd in January and has instructions on how to install it on the torrent page, but there's an updated version which was up'd in May so you'll probably want to grab that one.

Also, Chaos;Head anime was probably the worst thing I've ever watched (at least to completion anyway). I've heard the VN is good at the start, but falls apart at after the mid-way point.
>> No. 422
Any1 heard about translation for the PSP version?
>> No. 423
Heh, nice get.

How superior? Would it be worth reading the VN after seeing the anime? I don't normally do that, but if there was a lot of content cut out, I'd really like to see it. I'm really not lying when I say that this is the first series that's caught my interest since Death Note.

Yeah, the last time I checked on the VN translation status was right about when the group who was doing the unofficial translation got their C&D from Nitro+. That's why I sort of gave up hope. If there are people still going at it, though, that's good to know. I'll have to look into that. Ideally, I'd planned to read it natively, but learning kanji has been a pain in the ass so far, and they used a lot of technical jargon. Maybe I'll try it with Robotics;Notes.

Yes, the Chaos;HEAd anime was absolutely terrible. That's why I was curious about the Steins VN after seeing how good the anime was. The Chaos;HEAd VN was actually not too bad -- it does sort of fall apart after the halfway point, but putting aside the confusing hikikomori bullshit (which was great in the first half, but just became cumbersome in the last half) the ending was tolerable. Nothing like that LOL FRIENDSHIP IS POWER crap that happened in the anime. I have heard that Steins was a much closer adaptation, though, which is what gives me slight reservations about dedicating the time to the VN.

After seeing the improvement from Chaos to Steins, though, I can say I am fully pumped for Robotics;Notes. Sounds like a good premise so far, and pretty relevant to my interests.
>> No. 424
>Would it be worth reading the VN after seeing the anime?
The guy I know said something to the effect of "don't bother with the VN if you watched the anime, unless you really loved the setting". I think he also said Okabe is quite different in the VN and comes across as a bit of a douche.

>the unofficial translation got their C&D from Nitro+
I don't think they got a C&D order. I think the guy leading the project got hired to do it officially, so the unofficial project he was running was disbanded. I think.

>After seeing the improvement from Chaos to Steins, though, I can say I am fully pumped for Robotics;Notes. Sounds like a good premise so far, and pretty relevant to my interests.
I'm eagerly awaiting that too. I hope it turns out to be good.
>> No. 483
John Titor was an event that actually occurred on the internet, not just made up as a plot point for the show.

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