No. 1781
>>1675 I wrote a whole big narrative about taking time to develop your sense of self and really learn who you are, but then I remembered that all the kids who were doing that in high school were just weird fucks. That's more of a mid-twenties and single journey (sidenote: don't marry young; as a male there is no incentive or benefit to do so). I'm instead going to recommend a book to you. The book is "How to Win Friends and Influence People." It's an older book, but the principles are solid. It will essentially tell you how to become a salesman. To become a salesman, you must know how to talk to people, and how to get them talking to you. I'm not saying it will get you a girlfriend--the book itself admits early on that its methods are not geared toward building substantive relationships--but it will illustrate techniques for breaking the ice and making conversation easier. Also, just read books in general. Become knowledgeable. Keep up with current events, pick a sport and learn the ins and outs (that's for talking to dudes), learn some skills. In a nutshell, broaden your horizons. The more you know, the more likely you are to have knowledge of a mutually interesting topic when you approach a girl. Then give your balls a tug, waltz up to this bitch, prepare to utilize your friend-winning techniques and your vast knowledge, and give her your sweetest icebreaker. I can't help you there; that's going to depend on your personality.