No. 713
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Basically, the big rule is this: Don't be an asshole. And the other big rule is: Don't be an asshole.
Don't grief or interfere with players bases in anyway in the dimensions of the Overworld, The Twilight Forest, The Promised Land, The Moon, Mars, and any other outer space dimension that may exist. The Twilight Forest has many naturally spawned towers and dungeons, and you may claim these for yourself olive in, but please place signs and torches at all ground entrances to warn other players if you do so.
Other dimensions (and there are many with the inclusion of DivineRPG) are fully PvP in the sense that you may do anything to each other if you set a base up in them. These are dangerous places, and you should expect things to happen tbere. The space dimensions are dangerous too, but because of the delicate nature of oxygen setups, and the ridiculous death loops that a ruined oxygen setup can cause, these places are also off limits.
These rules may be disregarded if you agree to battle/war with each other. Any dimension not mentioned is automatically a warzone/full PvP area if you want to play that way. Just remember, the enemies can be wore than the players, so it might be worthwhile to band together.
Do not build or mine in a 75 block radius of the spawn area. Your minimap should provide enough information to avoid this. If you would like to build something for the spawn area, ask me (dedbbs in Minecraft, deadbabies on IRC), and I will give you creative mode and help you out.
Creative mode IS allowed, but away from the survival area except in certain circumstances (if you want to make a community shop or a community road or transportation system, I will consider it.) Talk to me if you're interested in playing in creative mode.
We DO have our own Teamspeak3 Server (same domain name), but most of the regulars are not in the habit of using it. Feel free to use it (use the Minecraft channel!) and ask other people playing if they'd like to Teamspeak with you if you like talking that way.
Always follow op instructions (there won't be many.) We really only issue instructions to keep things running properly. Remember, it's dedbbbs and and DIMT_Minecraft.
Please come and join us and let's have a blast. Come and join us, we're pretty cool, nice, helpful people, whether we know you already or not. And if you just want to play by yourself in a corner of the map, that's fine too. ALL GOOD FOLKS ARE WELCOME.