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File 137943726471.png - (77.37KB , 300x225 , scr3-32.png )
483 No. 483
So, which level in many video games you own or have owned you consider the hardest so far? I remember that back when I played Crash 3, the second motorcycle level took me many attempts. It's not that hard as long as you know what you're doing but still.
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>> No. 484
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>> No. 485
Megaman X6, though that's hardly honest difficulty when the challenge is SPIKES FUCKING EVERYWHERE.
>> No. 486
In Ghost Busters: The Video Game when you have to fight those stone angers for the first time when you're locked in with Dan Aykroyd and the Ecto-1 or w/e is outside the gates was pretty ballsbreaking to me.

And the aztec stuff in Sanitarium was kind of annoying.
>> No. 487
>> No. 488
FUCKING EVO boss fights near the end. I remember it taking me forever to beat the fucking bird man when I was a kid, and never getting past the stupid fucking yetis. Even going back recently and replaying it I ended up rage quitting trying to beat the final boss.
>> No. 489
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All of SMB's world 8. I made it to 8-4 for the first time EVER last night, while firey no less. I was all set to fry Bowser, but I fell in a lava pit less than halfway through the maze. :(
>> No. 491
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The final stage of Ninja Spirit has this buttfucking ridiculous instant death maze you have to fall through that I've always thought was a really good example of how to ruin a great game with a single thing. Getting past it to fight the final boss simply amounts to a bunch of tedious rote memorization.

I'll never understand what exactly IREM was thinking with this shit.
>> No. 492
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This entire fucking game, right from the beginning, it's fucking hard
>> No. 493
Been replaying ES3: Morrowind: Tribunal. Fucking Goblin Army quest and those Altmer trainers. Go into the room and HELLO WE'RE BOTH STUNLOCKING YOUR ASS TO DEATH HOPE YOU LIKE LOOKING AT THE LOADING SCREEN AFTER YOU DIE IN ABOUT TWO SECONDS

Finally beat the quest essentially by exploiting the fact that melee-limited enemies will 'panic' and run away when you levitate out of their attack reach. Hovered over on top of a nearby bookshelf (which I'm half convinced was put there for this purpose) and killed them one by one.

Oh, and the cavern under the Golena Sadri manor, lined with these magic-shooting mines which can instantly kill you even if you've got lots of Spell Absorbtion & Magic Resist, essentially requiring you to savescum repeatedly? Yeah, that was TOTALLY FUN.

Otherwise, game seems to follow typical WRPG difficulty curve; shit is hard at start, then after a certain point you have to handicap yourself so you're not so powerful that every time you sneeze, the faces of monsters in adjoining principalities explode.
>> No. 508
  I don't know if it was just because I'm terrible at video games, but every goddamn level of this.
>> No. 509
Also the floating cyborg heads scared the crap out of me.
>> No. 616
IMO, NES games were freakin hard. Almost all of them and not only that but many of them don't have a way to save on the original system.

For example;


Super Metroid-Medium

Metroid Prime-Easy
>> No. 619
The Frigid Outskirts in the most recent Dark Souls 2 DLC, Crown of the Ivory King, was incredibly challenging. It's hard to capture the essence of it without playing it, but it's truly fucked. You walk through a frozen wasteland in the middle of a snow storm. When the storm is raging, you can see nothing but white, it's even hard to tell where the ground is and whether you're changing elevation. Every few minutes the storm will briefly subside, allowing you to see how off track you've gotten, and for you to see the meager and pathetic landmarks scattered around the massive, indistinguishable map. Apart from white snow the only landmarks are a few broken down buildings, each a good mile apart.

Navigating a huge area under conditions such as these would be a challenge in itself but of course there are enemies. Nearly without warning large black horse creatures will come galloping out of the snow with their horns lowered in a charge. I say nearly without warning because the only warning you do get is the faint sound of hooves about one second before their horns make contact with your body. They also fly. And shoot lightening. Often, they will attack in packs as well. The damnedest thing is that even when the storm subsides and you're granted a brief look at the environment you're traversing, there will be no horses in sight. It's almost as if they materialize out of the storm itself.

The map is so big that even without the storm and without enemies it would take almost ten minutes just to run across the entire map. The storm and enemies easily triple that time. It's not uncommon to defeat one of the infuriating horse creatures, and then find that you've completely lost your bearings and haven't a clue which way you've come from and which way you've gone. You then have the option of waiting out the storm safely, wasting valuable time (horses seem to appear without warning randomly, even while you stand still) or to proceed in the direction that feels right in the hopes that when the storm clears again you'll be closer and not farther from your destination. Unfortunately, it's not uncommon to spend 2 minutes walking in a totally wrong direction, fighting horses along the way and consuming your valuable and limited healing supplies.

To top it all off at the end of this unforgiving area is an incredibly hard boss: two huge fucking cats that will relentlessly leap and swipe at you. If you kill one of them, the second enrages and begins regenerating and gets a hefty increase in damage. Until you master the Frigid Outskirts, you'll count yourself lucky to arrive at the boss with no healing items and your two companions dead. Because to make it to the boss at all is a feat at that point.

This was all especially hard for me because I was on NG+++ when the DLC hit. It took me a good two hours or so just to learn the ins and outs of the map, and how to kill the horse enemies without getting murdered. After practice I was able to quickly and safely make it to the boss. I had a lot of trouble with the boss though. All the players I would summon to help me would get one shot by the bosses, leaving me to try and fight two huge cats on my own. I ended up beating the bosses with the NPC summons, after another two hours of attempts. It was damn satisfying though.
>> No. 620
The first time I played OoT, I didn't have that problem - got the key right away and never had any trouble with the Water Temple. Years later, going back and playing through the game again, I got tripped up for a while on that one. Not like a month or anything, but at least an hour.

To this day though, after 20 years of trying off-and-on, I still haven't legitimately beat Adventure of Link on NES.
>> No. 632
If you thought that was hard, try the UFO night time level.
>> No. 646
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NIghtmare in Metroid Fusion. F that guy.
>> No. 675
Diddy Kong Racing, the final boss battle against WizPig.

Such fucking bullshit, it actually made me cry with rage as a kid.

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