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File 132682163478.jpg - (61.15KB , 689x599 , Tarkovsky_v_kresle.jpg )
43 No. 43
I'm making this thread again, maybe some of the new guys could actually be of help.

Help me /tvav/, you're my only hope.

I watched this movie a longass time ago, can't recall its name, its plot or most of anything about it, but I really need to watch it

again, can't really explain why.

This is what I do recall about it:

The main character was a male, skinny, loser-looking, serious. Audible inner monologue.

At some point and can't really remember how (a party perhaps?) he meets this blonde, pale, big breasted girl (if I recall correctly she had short-ish hair) and they have sex almost immediately (I remember perfectly a scene in which they're having sex and she climaxes in just a few secons, apologizes saying it's been a while since last time she had sex, and then they go at it again).

They kinda hook up for the rest of the movie, or at least for the rest of it that I can remember.

She has hippie parens, her mother is a nurse and helps her husband get heroin shots. They live in a pretty big/old looking house. They (not her parents but the protagonist and her) have sex in the floor at one point in this house)

I don't know if this happens before or after the scene I just described but she asks him to come to a funeral, which, apparently, meant the relationship was getting serious.

And I remember they end up living together at one point, and the dude comes home from who knows what, finds her cooking dinner and his inner monologue says "I wanted to fuck her right there at the stove". And in some other time he tells her he loves her, which, it would seem, he had been avoiding for a while, and the girl gets so happy she decides to blow him, saying "first, you're gonna cum in my mouth". He says "I thought you didn't swallow" and she says something like "yeah, but this one's for love." He seems really pleased with that idea.

The movie looked like it was from the late 90's, early 00's. Pretty sure it was american, but that might be just my imagination.

I remembered this, though, just now. The girl had some sort of rash or allergy in her higher back, along the shoulders, and at one point she asks the guy to rub some sort of lotion on her back because of this.

The rash gets better at one point and worse at another, I believe (or the other way around). Maybe this is a representation of their chaotic relationship or some shit.

It's an overall serious movie, if romantic, since it portrays the relationship between these two characters, but there are many funny moments, mostly in the form of the dude's audible inner monologue.

I can't remember much more, only images.

As you can see it's the sex scenes the ones I recall the most. Make of that what you will.

PLEASE HELP ME, it can't be that obscure of a film, I watched on TV a couple of times, quite a few years ago, but never in its entirety, and I really want to know what movie it is.
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>> No. 45
I tried some IMDB searches, but can't really get a result pool that's small enough without getting too specific and getting no results. At least working off the keywords of love, narration, and funeral.

You can try looking though it or playing around with some searches if you want though. Just add or remove a /keyword to the url. Use the search to find specific names of keywords.

>> No. 46
You have no idea how many of those movies are about either gay or autistic men trying to overcome their difficultues/bullies by doing something extremely ridiculous.

I just-- wow.

Also I didn't find it. But I'll keep trying with the tag thing.
>> No. 47
I tried for hours and found nothing. I'm starting to think half of my memories about everything I've ever experienced by myself were just dreams.
>> No. 48

Well on the bright side there's a lot of movies about that out there.
>> No. 49
File 132727050322.jpg - (113.77KB , 600x848 , Troll-Hunter-Poster_0.jpg )
Troll Hunter. Looked awful so I had to watch it. And I was disappointed because it was actually done pretty well - if that makes any sense. The acting is decent to outstanding (depending on the character). The script is very good. Cinematography is acceptable, and the CG is actually really nice - if you're into scifi thrillers this is a good one to watch.
>> No. 50
What the hell.
>> No. 68
Did you mean to post that in this thread? Regardless I'm going to have to disagree, that film was one of the worst I've ever seen - and not in a funny way either. Just bad.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 70
Aww don't sage my thread. I really need help on this.
>> No. 103
Yearly bump. Sorry everyone.
>> No. 311
Semi-yearly bump. Third time's a charm.
>> No. 319
cabin fever?
>> No. 373
That's uh, nowhere even near it. I mean it's a horror film, come on.

But thanks for giving me an excuse to bump.
>> No. 377
I have to say, this sounds like a movie I want to watch, so I looked around, using >>45 's keyword search link as a starting point. I found one potential that also includes the keywords "back injury", "back rub", and "fellatio" on top of the triple-keyword search I started from.

"The Opposite of Sex" from 1998.
>> No. 378
I gotta say, the woman looks a damn lot like my memory, but that's about the only thing in common it seems to have with the movie I'm looking for. The guy, for starters, didn't look like that at all, and I think the movie happened during winter.

Oh and then there's this...
>16-year-old girl
>gay half-brother
>seducing his boyfriend

Yeah no
>> No. 379
Well, you said you didn't remember too much, so I don't know WHAT to rule out.

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