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File 135570812887.jpg - (60.65KB , 1200x800 , Arrow_TV_Series_Green_Arrow.jpg )
347 No. 347
Thoughts on Arrow?
>> No. 348
It's a pretty fun watch. It's manages to maintain a surprisingly good mixture of both serious and less-serious hero stuff, which keeps it free from just being realistically gritty or comically campy like most hero stuff tends to go one way or the other on. He's a dark and realistic figure, but then he'll end up fighting Asian Lady Gaga or throwing down lines like "no one can know my secret!", and you can't help but grow a smile.

I rather dislike a lot of the 'normal life' stuff though, especially the lawyer girlfriend and the whatever his name is other guy. I really don't know why we have to follow them along as they order pizza and have talks when we could instead be watching Oliver do things.

Also, dat Windows 8 product placement. Which on the topic of such, I sorta feel sorry for that tech girl; constantly being forced to play master detective outside of her job description. I sorta wonder if she's just making up bullshit when they ask her things, and it just happens to make sense to them in weirdo superhero plotting logic land.
>> No. 353
Castle is another show that has a bunch of Microsoft product placement. It's weird. Both are good shows though.
>> No. 370
I've been hooked to Arrow. I think probably cause I was a big fan of Smallville and it reminds me a lot about that, but more serious in tone while still keeping the super hero tropes that belongs in it (like the Lady Gaga Asian). Good fun all around. Though I do admit that it just kind of throws shit at you, especially at the end of episodes. A lot of cutting between characters to wrap up their arch for the episode and doesn't give you a moment to take a breather before the ultimate climax. Still, I really enjoy it.

Speaking of Castle, that's also my other favorite show on air (my top three are Game of Thrones, Arrow, and Castle). When they started to go into the Castle/Beckett relationship I was scared because of how they went about a similar relationship with House and Cuddy (in House, obviously) but they've handled it surprisingly well. I'm interested in their relationship but it doesn't take it away. Good job on the writers part.
>> No. 398
As a long time Green arrow fan, I friggin' adore this show. It puts new twists on the concepts while still remaining faithful to the spirit of the characters and I'm guessing having actual comic writers on the show probably has a lot to do with that.

My only real fault with the show is that Green Arrow needs to be a little bit more of a hippy but I'm willing see if that's something that may develop later on.

Either way, this show is LEAGUES better than what the comic book has been recently (although I've not read it since Lemire got the writing duties).

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