No. 194
I bought Iron Sky on Blu-Ray a few days ago. I found it odd that that even though it's a budget film, the special effects were better than 'normal' scenes. The special effects, like the space bits, do look great. It's worth watching just for that.
I found the storyline fresh and interesting, and ending somewhat poetically satisfying. Yeah, it's not exactly Hollywood polished, but I wasn't expecting that.
It's worth buying, if only to support the development of movies outside of Hollywood. Hollywood is stale as fuck.
I thought their technological progress was realistic. Most of our technologies haven't improved much in sixty years; aside from computers and electronics, few things have changed. We're still driving internal combustion engine cars and flying in the same basic aeroplane designs as existed in the sixties, for example. The Nazis had perfected fusion technology (to use the Helium 3) and their space technology far outpaces Earth's, but their computer technology hadn't kept pace. They focussed on technologies relevant to their environment, which is realistic.