No. 260
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>You're going through the film thinking, "Why did that happen?" and "Why did they do this?" and "How did he know that was going to happen?" and so on.
This is how I felt about the movie. I was entertained for the entire duration, but there was so much shit left unanswered and it really bothered me after it was over.
David in particular, as another person ITT mentioned, did no end of bizarre things with absolutely no explanation as to why he did them.
Also: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-x1YuvUQFJ0
Anyway, the one thing that bothered me the most out of everything in this film was the Alien at the end. That was obviously supposed to be a precursor to the Aliens in Alien, right? So how did it survive and reproduce? I guess it could've eaten the corpse of the Engineer and the weird tentacle monster thing, but then what? There were no other food sources on the planet, the air was completely unbreathable (speaking of which, how did the Engineer make it to the life pod thing to kill Shaw?) and there was only one Alien so it couldn't have reproduced. Realistically, it could've lived for maybe a week and then starved to death or died of dehydration.