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File 132505448318.png - (79.88KB , 637x406 , Choose a Hero.png )
1 No. 1
I would watch a Quest for Glory series. Maybe a single story in three parts (wizard, thief and fighter) but following the series.

Obviously the King's Quest series would be more straightforward, following the lineage of King Graham and all that.
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>> No. 21
File 13256513291.png - (1.10MB , 1280x720 , qfg4towntimovihola.png )
Oh god yes. I love how the character of the Hero evolves over the series, from a young Famous Adventurers Correspondence School graduate fighting silly fairy tale villains to a chivalrous yet seasoned adventurer doing battle against eldritch abominations and a Lovecraftian Dark One and whose only friend is a gorgeous yet lonely vampire with ambitions to destroy the world.
>> No. 23
File 132565179393.png - (663.32KB , 960x495 , axeman_by_vihola-d4kb50z.png )
I guess the best way to do it would be to start the main character off as a thief, and have him learn magic (as that is possible), and eventually reform his ways and become a paladin (That's ok because there isn't really all that much to steal in the third and fourth games.
>> No. 24
I really really wanted to finish that series, but could never find 5. By the time I did find 4, I had to do all kinds of weird shit just to get it to run, and even then it was buggy as hell. Didn't even get to finish.

As for a movie, I think it could be cool, but I don't think that it would be done well enough to do the game credit.. If the puns were done subtly in the background or something, it could be funny Maltese Falcons. But if this ever did come to be, they would no doubt all be shoved in your face. "Look! We're being PUNNY! GET IT!!!"

Very yes. One of my favorite aspects.

I was thinking of 3 movies, one about each class. But in each one, they often drastically affect what happens to the other guy by doing things we don't actually see in the second person's movie all while they're acting towards the same goal. So once you watch the thief movie, you can watch the fighter movie and see how the thief's actions screwed things up for fighter and vice versa.
>> No. 25
I loved 5 at the time. Went back and played through them all and just couldn't play 5 it was so clunky and the 3D graphics were so dated. They should've just kept the old engine.

/vg/ aside though, that's exactly how I was imagining it too. 3 movies covering the same time range and roughly the same events, something a bit like Rashomon. But there's so many locations and subplots, I guess I can't really see it working cohesively. For the series to fit in ~2 hours from even one perspective would be covering way too much ground, unless that were part of the "style" (like ADHD Indiana Jones)

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