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File 138466740996.jpg - (20.15KB , 288x290 , 136848889060.jpg )
50 No. 50 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
itt post hitler
5 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 93
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>> No. 94
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>> No. 95
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>> No. 98
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>> No. 99
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59 No. 59 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Fascist Propaganda Thread.

I'll start with Ação Integralista Brasileira.
21 posts and 21 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 82
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>> No. 83
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>> No. 84
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>> No. 87
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>> No. 88
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Heil Hitler!

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24 No. 24 hide quickreply [Reply]
/reich/ music thread.

All national socialist and racialist music from all genres welcome, even and especially rock (contrary to popular belief, rock 'n' roll was Southern music more so than black music).

Day of the Sword, some of the finest Rock Against Communism ever composed and produced...all by one man:
>> No. 35
I appreciate some of the old Nazi march orchestrations for those nationalism feels.

As a whole though I think if you're listening to music for the politics, you're perhaps going a bit far. I just listen to stuff that fancies my auditory tastes.
>> No. 36
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Ethnic Cleansing, the greatest Hardcore band to ever form.

Hail AIDS, a large sample of their discography:
>> No. 37

inb4 poles aren't white
>> No. 39
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Estirpe Imperial, Spain's finest Fascist Metal band:
>> No. 86
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25 No. 25 hide quickreply [Reply]
Considering the frequent overlap of National Socialists and Ernst Jünger fans, let's discuss his work.

Here's Eumeswil, his magnum opus:
>> No. 34
Sorry to tell you, but he hated the nazis because he considered them a bunch of plebs. When he chose a political opinion, he supported the Stahlhelm which supported the DNVP, which was pretty much a radical nationalist German version of the American republicans or tea party.
>> No. 48
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The tea party has many lolbergs in it and also christian zionists, they are as far removed from the Deutschnationale and Stahlhelm (who worked together with the Sturmabteilung btw) as you can possibly get.

Juenger was an eccentric and hated subordination to others, plain and simple. He didn't "hate" them.
>> No. 56
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Which is why Eumeswil has a refined Stirnerian character.

A series of articles worth reading:
>> No. 85
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Awww nice gonna read these l8er

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57 No. 57 hide quickreply [Reply]
What are some Nationalist Parties from your home country?

Overwhelmed and outnumbered, but bless their hearts, they try.

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54 No. 54 hide quickreply [Reply]
Was National Socialism fascism perfected?

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40 No. 40 hide quickreply [Reply]
Who's the retarded kike that named this board? The Weimar Republic was the Jewish puppet state put in place by the Allies after WWI and before the rise of the Reich.
>> No. 41
Nigga it's coo'

Who cares
>> No. 42
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10 No. 10 hide quickreply [Reply]
What is best objective definition of degeneracy, /reich/? The term comes up in practically any debate about society, and while a consistent theme exists, rarely do two people agree on exactly what constitutes degeneracy. It also has the problem of subjectivity, since the very act of perceiving degeneracy requires making a value judgement.
>> No. 12

Detroit is a really good example of degeneracy. I'm being lazy, and don't want to spend the time to type out a lengthy "definition". I feel multi-culturalism is ok to an extent, but as it is in America today, it's destructive. This idea that "diversity unites us" is bullshit. It's a warm and fuzzy notion, but doesn't translate to reality, very well.
>> No. 14
"Having lost the physical, mental, or moral qualities considered normal and usual" would be a dictionary definition, but yeah, it's an inherently subjective term, as are many.

Words exist primarily to identify specific emotional concepts rooted in common subjective thinking; raw ideas and thoughts that would otherwise be inexpressible between two individuals isolated in their separate internal mental realms. So much like other forms of communication of emotion such as music or art, defining them as anything other than their associated feeling is a difficult and lossy translation.

Or in much much simpler terms, degeneracy just means whatever gives you the feeling of it being degenerate. There is no objective definition of what about something makes it degenerate however, except if you possibly consider popular opinion as admissible I guess.
>> No. 16
Also, I should note there's a difference between "degeneracy" and "degeneration," the latter of which is the unfortunate yet inevitable path of any civilization.
>> No. 38
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