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File 132986064961.jpg - (27.82KB , 290x300 , no_fat_chicks-290x300.jpg )
235 No. 235
Fuck you, you fuckin' bitch. Why, fucking WHY, do you have to be fat? WHY? I get along with you better than any woman I've ever dated (and most of my guy friends). You're a genuinely good person with the same ridiculous sense of humor and tastes in movies, TV, music and activities that I have. You're a great catch... with the exception of the fact that you're fucking FAT.

Worst of all, you're totally into me. If you lost 40-50 pounds, I'd fucking marry your ass. But you're not going to, are you? You bitch about how hard it is to lose weight when you do no exercise whatsoever, and you're cruising around with me grabbing McDonalds at 3AM. I want to see you get in good shape but I've basically accepted that it's never going to happen.

It's sad, because you're fucking sexy in your own way. You've got a very cute face and I can tell you'd be hot if you weren't so fucking fat. Plus, based on our discussions, you've got a high libido and you're into as much freaky shit as me. Hell, I might even fuck you one of these nights after we've both had a few, but I'm sure I'd regret it. The thing is, as shallow as this makes me, I'm just not attracted to your body, and I don't want to be seen in public with you. If we did start dating, it would be embarrassing for both of us. "Oh, there's that fat chick and the loser who's settling for her." But I DO wish I could date you... you know that my last few ex's have been "hot", but all crazy, demanding, gold-digging shallow cunts. You're an actual decent human being, and you're fucking fat. GOD DAMMIT.

Now forced to decide between either A) keeping you in the friend zone, therefore becoming everything I hate, or B) telling you that we shouldn't be friends anymore, because we'll never be together and I don't want to cause you unending pain by being the person you want but always being at arm's length. Trust me, I've been in your position, and that IS the best option, even though it would leave us both feeling like shit.

I love our late-night games of Modern Warfare, our inside jokes on Facebook, our casual shoot-the-shit conversations, and our deep, philosophical conversations. I love you, in a way. I'm just not attracted to you, because you're fucking fat. Fucking hell.

What really pisses me off is the knowledge that if you DID lose the weight, or were never fat to begin with, there's no way you'd be this cool. You'd be shallow and one-dimensional like all your stupid friends. You'd never give me the time of day and turn me down for some douchebag who treats you like shit.

Fuck women, and fuck my life.
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>> No. 236
Yeah man.. Fuck women and fuck life too.. Fat girls are really one of the most depressing things ever.. fuuck, I can't even rage about it, it's just so fucking sad.. fuck, man. fuck.
>> No. 237
What you should do is try to get a chubby fetish. Then you don't have to worry about any guys moving in and be attracted sexually to this girl. And don't give me that people will look at you funny bullshit.

SAGE has been used.
>> No. 238
File 132986582217.jpg - (10.84KB , 307x429 , spsb.jpg )
"Try to get a chubby fetish"? Right, I'll just submit my application to the Department of Fetishes and wait 6-8 weeks for a reply.

I actually do like thicker girls, and I totally dig the Kim Kardashian body type. But this chick isn't just thick, she's... lumpy. Although I said I'd marry her is she lost 40-50 pounds, in reality she'd probably need surgery to get rid of all the excess skin, and to keep her tits from being saggy and gross. If I was a millionaire, I'd straight up pay for lipo and all the surgeries. But right now, the only thing I'd do sexually with her is let her blow me (with all her clothes on) or give me a handjob.

Pic related: an idea of what I'm dealing with, only it's not as bad, and she's white.
>> No. 318
Just be a man and realize it's futile with this whale you stupid fuck. She's fat. She will get fatter as she ages.

Stop being a faggot and be shallow like the rest of us.
>> No. 320
>> No. 321
Just fuck her in the belly button, OP.
>> No. 326
die in a fire scumnigger
tell her about /fit/ and get her off her ass , or just invent some bullshit story so she would lose that shit
>> No. 332
Just go to the gym WITH her OP, and start eating healthy in front of her instead of taking her with you to McDonald's. it'll be easier for her to get started on diet and exercise if you do it with her to help motivate her you dump fuck
>> No. 907
>tell her about /fit/ and get her off her ass , or just invent some bullshit story so she would lose that shit


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