No. 1223
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I was on unemployment for two years, '08-'10, despite voting for the guy in that picture twice. I was a veteran who was back in school, looking for a job, couldn't find shit. I figured, hey, free money, not gonna turn that down! The money did help me out, but I think TWO YEARS of benefits is a bit ridiculous, and now dumbass hippies whine every time they're not extended EVEN MORE.
Anyway, dealing with the bureaucracy was a full-time job, and most of the people working at the unemployment office were fucking retarded.
As far as them giving a shit what you buy, you have to remember that most of the people on food stamps are knuckle-dragging wastes of oxygen. Occasionally there's a person of average or above-average intelligence, like yourself, but most of 'em are complete idiots. You can't blame Cunty McCuntface for wanting to dole out some advice.