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File 140556195658.jpg - (36.56KB , 288x425 , Bushypo.jpg )
1222 No. 1222
Does anyone else here use fucking government welfare services?

I had to temporarily go on food stamps and I used my EBT card for the first time today. The cunt cashier made a comment that I should have bought store brands instead of the food I had bought and gave me a stink-eye. Bitch, I've worked for 15 years and I'm recently disabled. I don't want to use this fucking card. It's embarrassing. But I'm going to buy healthy shit. I deserve some of the tax money I've paid into social security. When I picked up the EBT card, I drove there. I own a Mercedes, completely paid for. Some filthy scag in line told me that I'm not that poor if I'm driving that car and that I should sell it, if I'm so poor. Bitch, this car is reliable, has great gas mileage, and I own it. Cheap cars in maintenance alone would be more expensive. I'm fucking pissed off. Americans have this horrible trait of passing judgments to complete strangers' faces. You don't know me or my situation. I should go out to Whole Foods right fucking now and buy some goddamn lobster and caviar. I fucking deserve it. If some lousy fuck gives me shit, I'm going to drop my pants and take a big steamy shit right there in the line at the cash register.

I'm serious as shit.

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>> No. 1223
File 140561830584.jpg - (32.54KB , 479x343 , bush1.jpg )
I was on unemployment for two years, '08-'10, despite voting for the guy in that picture twice. I was a veteran who was back in school, looking for a job, couldn't find shit. I figured, hey, free money, not gonna turn that down! The money did help me out, but I think TWO YEARS of benefits is a bit ridiculous, and now dumbass hippies whine every time they're not extended EVEN MORE.

Anyway, dealing with the bureaucracy was a full-time job, and most of the people working at the unemployment office were fucking retarded.

As far as them giving a shit what you buy, you have to remember that most of the people on food stamps are knuckle-dragging wastes of oxygen. Occasionally there's a person of average or above-average intelligence, like yourself, but most of 'em are complete idiots. You can't blame Cunty McCuntface for wanting to dole out some advice.
>> No. 1226
I'm getting scared to the point I'm going to have to go apply for food stamps. I have a piddly little freelance thing going on, but my husband (also veteran like above poster) lost his job about a month and a half ago. He's had some interviews, some good looking leads, but times is rough and they're denying his unemployment for the time being. Our savings is shriveling up before our eyes. And I think it's fucked up that If I get Food Stamps I'm going to feel super judged of I happen to pull out my iPhone that I bought over a year ago with my own tax return outright. And my leather purse I bought after I got my first paycheck with my current job around the same time.

I don't get why people think that being poor means you don't deserve any luxury or recreation whatsoever. I mean I don't count myself as poor just yet, but judge people don't exactly put that much thought into it.
Yeah, let's bitch about someone who uses food stamps when they could sell their reliable phone for a $60 piece of shit I'll be replacing in 6 months while the government is pissing away billions of dollars overseas or on subsidies for oil companies.

Fucking idiots.
>> No. 1227
I'm getting scared to the point I'm going to have to go apply for food stamps. I have a piddly little freelance thing going on, but my husband (also veteran like above poster) lost his job about a month and a half ago. He's had some interviews, some good looking leads, but times is rough and they're denying his unemployment for the time being. Our savings is shriveling up before our eyes. And I think it's fucked up that If I get Food Stamps I'm going to feel super judged of I happen to pull out my iPhone that I bought over a year ago with my own tax return outright. And my leather purse I bought after I got my first paycheck with my current job around the same time.

I don't get why people think that being poor means you don't deserve any luxury or recreation whatsoever. I mean I don't count myself as poor just yet, but judge people don't exactly put that much thought into it.
Yeah, let's bitch about someone who uses food stamps when they could sell their reliable phone for a $60 piece of shit I'll be replacing in 6 months while the government is pissing away billions of dollars overseas or on subsidies for oil companies.

Fucking idiots.

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