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File 137762910614.jpg - (39.96KB , 500x428 , fuck.jpg )
1058 No. 1058
Fuck people who say that mercury in vaccines causes autism.

Fuck people who believe in reptilians and alien abductions and ancient astronauts.

Fuck people who take a literal interpretation of any religious creation story.

Fuck people who think that without the fear of god we'd all just become murderous assholes.

Fuck people that think HAARP is a weapon.

Fuck people that think this is the last generation.

Fuck people that think the world is worse off now then it ever was.

Fuck people who think that ancient civilizations were some how more advanced then modern ones.

Fuck people who think their government represents them.

Fuck people who think their government doesn't represent them but attributes that fact to some sort of global conspiracy rather then simple greed, personal bigotry and simple corruption.

Fuck people who twist perfectly good philosophical or religious ideologies until they can be used as excuses to act upon their own hatred and fear.

Fuck religious people who blame atheism for every evil in the universe, and fuck atheists who do the same thing back.

Fuck the knee jerk, myopic nature of the news.

Fuck the education system which has ceased to be about providing an education and has become either a desperate attempt to buy a degree so you can get paid a livable wage, or a money making scheme itself.

Fuck people who think that a return to unregulated, gilded age ideals would produce anything but a plutocracy.

Fuck literally anyone who takes a single fucking word out of Ayn Rand's withered cunt as anything but the raving of a supremely bitter and self obsessed woman who clearly thought a great deal more of herself then she should have.

Fuck anyone who says that pure capitalism, communism, anarchy, or other such idealistic and completely unrealistic governing systems would survive.

Fuck the inevitable corruption of man that makes them impossible.

Fuck conspiracy theorists for drowning out the few true conspiracies amongst a mountain of falsehood and reptilians.

Fuck people who will believe whatever their priest, teacher or news anchor tells them.

Fuck people who refuse to believe the mainstream but will wholesale believe anything they find on some shitty fucking forum or blog post.

Fuck people who don't understand radiation and nuclear power.

Fuck people who think solar panels and current alternative energy systems are viable as a replacement for our current energy needs.

Fuck people who put technological advance over common sense (Looking at you, fucking hyperloop)

Fuck people who respond to any sort of criticisms of Dark souls with "Git Gud".

Fuck indie games for being a mediocre stream of platformers.

Fuck Mainstream games for being a mediocre stream of SHIT RIGHT INTO MY FACE HOLES.

Fuck people who think they can predict the stock market.

Fuck people who can, because they manipulate it.

Fuck bureaucracy and the inhumanity it engenders in large organizations.

Fuck people who drop gum on the street.

Fuck smartphones and Ipads.

Fuck people who text in class or in a movie or while YOU'RE TRYING TO HAVE A FUCKING CONVERSATION WITH THEM, JESUS CHRIST.

Fuck this new wave of hypersensitive feminism and it's loyal cuckold followers.

Fuck the fact that games journalism these days seems to be equal parts corrupt positivity for the AAA and sensationalism about above mentioned feminism.

Fuck people that think alternative medicine is somehow 100 times better then normal medicine and that fucking hemp juice or weasel jizz can cure every illness known to man.

Fuck people who deny evolution or any other scientific theory without even understanding what it entails.

Fuck people who don't know the levels of evidence and support that scientific theories have and conflate them with the colloquial use of "Theory" as just a guess.

Fuck the fact that youtube lets players are increasingly following the pewdiepie school of "Scream because screaming is funny" bullshit.

Thank fuck for GeopLP. I love you Geoplp.

Fuck people who think that science is magic and that it can do fucking anything, and that if it hasn't done it, it's because someone is paying to keep it under wraps.

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>> No. 1061
You, I like you, you have a good head on your shoulders.

>> No. 1062
Why the fuck would mercury not cause autism? You're an idiot. It's one of the reasons pregnant should be careful about eating fish.
>> No. 1068
Oh well, let me give you a few reasons:

1.Autism is a genetic disorder. You can't get it via any sort of poisoning. The reason they tell pregnant women not to get exposed to various types of things is because it can effect the well being of the baby before it's born. But thats not the fucking point of what these people are claiming. They're claiming that a child, already born, could be given a hereditary disease via a injection.

2.It's not pure mercury in the vaccines. It's Thiomersal, a compound that contains mercury. And that makes a big fucking difference. I mean, look at salt. It's made of chlorine and Sodium, which are both toxic, and one even burns in water! Yet we need it to survive.

3.The amounts of it in vaccines are so fucking tiny you'd have to have hundreds of injections to cause potential problems. And even then, it would be mercury poisoning, not autism.

4.This whole thing came from the misreading of data. Basically, more cases of autism are being reported now then before. People wrongly assume that this means that the number of actual cases is increasing, rather then the simple fact that they're just being better recorded. Worse yet, the Thiomersal has been phased out around 2000 but the reports keep increasing, so this misinterpreted data now actually goes AGAINST the original misinterpretation.

I've got more. You want more? This is just another case of people jumping to conclusions and wanting someone or something to blame for things that are beyond our control.
>> No. 1069
File 138169724489.jpg - (133.36KB , 500x473 , tumblr_m4wci40taI1rxt7jlo1_500.jpg )
Right the fuck on, OP. Motherfuck fucking conspiracy theorists. Don't have a source? Then don't repost it as fact. Get a motherfucking life.

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