
/b/ was never good

99chan rules & guidelines #

Posting Guidelines

  1. You must be 18 years of age or older to use this site. If you are found to be underage, you will be banned for a year or longer.
  2. No Illegal content. If it is not legal in the US, do not post it.
  3. Please keep all images and discussion related to the topic of the board you're posting on. Anything posted that is not related to the topic of the board will be deleted and may result in your IP being banned from posting on that board for some time.
  4. Post memes, image macros ,or motivators/demotivators at your own risk. These are generally not tolerate here.
  5. Trolling outside of /b/ may result in a ban at mod's discretion.
  6. Keep SFW boards SAFE-FOR-WORK. Use common sense.
  7. A thought about posting:

    Before you push the submit button please ask yourself "Am I making a post or thread that is either funny, informative, or interesting on any level?" If not, then refrain from posting. This rule is more lax on /b/ but, complete shit threads will likely be deleted and/or banned at a mods descretion.

  8. A note on spam:

    Spam absolutely will not be tolerated. This includes posts of single images with nothing but links to offsite image hosting (particularly pay per click hosting sites). Infractions of this rule will not be tolerated.

  9. Regarding board specific rules:

    Read all board rules before posting. Board rules can be found in a sticky at the top of almost all of the boards. Any local board rules that are broken may result in a ban from that board at a mod's discretion. Your thread may just be deleted; consider it a warning.

  10. New users:

    Like any community, we have our own quirks and preferences. Some things may not be tolerated. If you are new to 99chan, I advise you to lurk for some time before posting.


-The Management

Donation policy #

If for any reason you wish to receive a refund for your donation, I will do my best to return the funds to you.

mods plz #

Please do not modpost unless 1) you are giving out site information or adressing a site specific issue or 2) it is really fucking funny. If you just want to namefag it up use your tripcode but do not use your modposting flag unless you really need to. This used to be policty but we apparently lost that file. As always use your own discretion and contribute to threads. THank you.