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File 140419461536.jpg - (55.69KB , 499x700 , thisissavedinmypornfolder.jpg )
1173 No. 1173
Greetings, fellow denizens of the internet.

You may have noticed the announcement on the front page stating that the moderators now have little "pet" boards. Well, much like the person that posted that forgot the second / in "/elit/," they forgot to add that /fetish/ is also my "pet" board.

So, as your newly appointed leader, I'd like to see more traffic on here. It might not be dead, but it's not exactly what I'd call "active." Comatose, maybe? And, y'know, maybe that's your thing, and that's perfectly alright, but I'd like to see more shit here. (not literally, unless that's also your thing. I mean, I'm not into those, but hey, if you like comatose people shitting themselves, I won't judge.) All I ask is that you follow the rules, but everything else goes.

So, go ahead. Start a new thread about whatever gets your rocks off and submit (it) for us. For the record, actual discussion about fetishes gets my cock hard as a motherfucking brick.

Let's have a board that actually makes people say, "What the hell, man." but then stay for the content. <3
>> No. 1459

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