No. 2759
So I'm just going to say this how it is and not fluff it up too much: your relationship isn't going to work out. Multiple reasons.
1) Christians are supposed to marry other Christians. As someone else has already mentioned: it's the whole being equally-yoked thing. A Christian cannot expect to have deepest intimacy with someone whom does not share what is supposed to be the most fundamental component of their being: namely relationship with and salvation through Christ.
2) He's an idiot. This isn't your fault. He never should have dated you in the first place if he actually had convictions regarding your lack of piety. Chances are he acted like he didn't care because he really liked you and figured he'd bring you around eventually - standard immature tactic - or he's since become more serious about his faith than he was when you began. Missionary dating is the colloquial term for Christians who date non-Christians in hope of 'converting' them. It is foolish and unbiblical. There is nothing he can do or say that will incline you to become saved - it is solely the grace of God at work. His expectation of you to attend church with him further demonstrates his immaturity, as he'd realize that church technically isn't a place that unbelievers are supposed to go. It isn't a problem if they go, but a Christian expected an unbeliever to go to church is like someone expecting their cat to jump in the bath - it is a naturally incompatible environment for an unsaved person - spiritually (from a theological point of view) and socially (from an unfortunate, social point of view).
So he is obviously an immature Christian - the absolute worst kind to deal with. He isn't going to drop his faith or affiliation, so he's never going to be comfortable with you in your present state. He was also terribly immature, both in a spiritual and relational sense, so date you under the presumption that he was somehow going to change you. I never ceased to be amazed at how futile people are in dating someone with the intent of changing them. It is self-defeating. Drop him now if he doesn't drop you, because one of two outcomes is inevitable, and you won't like either.
1) He's drop you. He'll eventually realize that this isn't going to work for him and drop you, and the longer you're together the more painful that becomes.
2) He'll never grow the necessary spine to break the relationship, because he is terribly codependent upon you yet likely spiteful or passive-aggressive toward your obstinate position against his faith, and you will probably become disgusted with him and drop him then. Of course I'm making great assumptions on his person, but I see this kind of thing all the time and it really aggravates me.
So, I am sure what I just said could be terribly misinterpreted. I was being very blunt, and if your immediate response is in indignation or insult then you probably misinterpreted, so go read it again a little more carefully and try to read it in the most positive light you can manage.
As a sidenote: good Christians are the ones that do insist that they have the true path. It is a core tenant of the Christian faith (John 14). The monotheistic religions are intrinsically incompatible with the religious pluralism - i.e. all paths lead to God/salvation/happiness/whatever - that characterizes western collective thought today. It's more colloquially referred to as 'tolerance' but tolerance is not mutually exclusive with assertion of truth, philosophically speaking. He has been quite tolerant with you if he has dated you in spite of his disagreement with your beliefs for over a year. If you want to date someone who really doesn't care what you believe, go date a Buddhist, Hindu, or follower of any other Eastern religion. Religious pluralism is compatible with their beliefs. Alternatively, it would probably be in your best interest to date another deist like yourself. Hope this is helpful. I wish you all the best.