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I've got a bad case of lovin' you.

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2341 No. 2341
/docta/, I have an issue.

I'm getting really cynical and jaded and edgy about love.

Whenever I see a couple happy in love together, I just think of the biological reasoning behind it, why they chose each other, the statistics behind cheating and divorcing...

I can't just seem to accept love. Or rather, believe in it.

If I had evidence, yeah, but most of the relationships i've seen around me have been absolute shit.

Can you cure me of this?
>> No. 2342
If you say that two people are together to have a good child, what else can there be? You've stopped there being anything else but biology.

The world is quite a stressful mess, with a lot of unpleasant relationships, buildings, and events. But there are good things, really wonderful things. I do see a lot of almost agonizing relationships, but I see a few that are beautiful. It's largely based on my own belief system. Relationships can be hard work because they're so abundant, and the literature on them is so abundant that no one bothers to look at what is right there.

Your idea of love is currently a biological one, and you see the sacred idea of love as tainted. You're clever here for understanding that nothing lasts forever; the problem is that you destroy love for knowing that it will end. There's something that's kind of religious here, perhaps you can work through, but the end of love is as much a part of it as the beginning. The fact that you can see divorce could mean that we're more tolerant and aware of the coming and going of love, of love as a cycle rather than a permanence.

Be open, we all have different ideas of love, we normally experience a lot of bad relationships (typically we grow up around them) but there are good ones around. The same idea can apply to cars, friends, or most things.

Also, remember that the fact that you have the choice to believe in something or not brings that thing into reality. Whether or not you believe in love, we are still having this conversation about it. It exists, even as an abstract concept between the readers of this thread.
>> No. 2343

>There's something that's kind of religious here

When I said this, I was meaning to talk about a problem with relationships ending- as divorce being a bad thing and as love that doesn't 'last forever' as being a bad thing. A kind of guilt alongside how relationships are today. I just re-read and felt like there was a religious agenda here, one that I didn't mean to put there...

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>> No. 2344
Dating somebody you really like and who really likes you would probably help.
>> No. 2345

I don't know if I can. I've had some bad luck with girls recently.
>> No. 2346
Recent bad luck? Well that means it is impossible forever. Good call.
>> No. 2347
Look at the positives and you'll start seeing things more clearly. Besides, who cares if love exists? If a person makes you happy and they won't fuck you up as a person in the long run, especially if they'll actually make you better/challenge you, then why not believe in it? Are you afraid to open yourself up to that?
>> No. 2354
Approaching love from a logical standpoint is abnormal, but not wrong. Don't cave to the pressure you perceive to let your emotions dictate your romantic life. Define love for yourself. It could be a favorable combination of physical parameters, personality characteristics, and statistical likelihood of someone from a certain social strata cheating on you or divorcing you that causes you to "fall in love." Your partners don't have to agree with your definition. Theirs may be completely different. But if they fit your definition, and you fit theirs, you are mutually emotionally satisfied, and your definitions of love are irrelevant.

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