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File 134058097158.jpg - (759.60KB , 1024x768 , Penguins.jpg )
657 No. 657
Where did creativity go? I demand we bring back the feel-good generation. I mean, what's with you people? Name one song that is in the charts right now that you like and explain to me why it is great and original.
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>> No. 659
What charts? What?
>> No. 661
Yea I have no idea what you're babbling about either.
I think you're in the wrong board. This is for visual art.
>> No. 670
File 134293626940.jpg - (95.64KB , 500x333 , tumblr_lq7l8inVB71qfqw4f.jpg )
It's disappeared man. Everyone these days (most of the newer generation) has no creativity because technology is doing everything for them. I am lucky enough to not be so cluttered with tech and now I'm the blackest of sheep.
TL;DR> Good, creative people are a dying breed
>> No. 671
Except for, you know, all the people creating art. And all the new ways that technology is able to contribute to the creative process. And how the internet has enabled people to disseminate their creative works freely and easily. Particularly musicians, who no longer need the backing of record labels to record music (all you need for a professional quality recording these days is a mixing/mastering software program, and a laptop) or disseminate that music (bandcamp, soundcloud, last.fm, myspace,facebook, etc). You're right though, nobody is creative any more, except for the people who are. Which is like totally different from like how things have always like been...

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