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File 132822885073.png - (2.00MB , 2162x2552 , dissonance2.png )
315 No. 315
Why hello. Guys, I'm an amateur grapihc designer, that is to say I've had the proper education but I lack that worthless piece of paper that says I've had the proper education.

With this in mind, how can I find any work? I can't just put some adds on the newspaper since people who look for graphic designers there are looking for "professionals" and of course that translates to "people with an actual title to their credit". And there are enough of them around here to keep me unemployed.

Basically: Is there a way in which I can advertise myself as a freelance graphic designer who doesn't play by the rules and is loved by the ladies? Maybe something by word of mouth? How could I go about making this happen?

Anyway sorry if it's a stupid question. I really want to work and I think I'm talented and educated enough. My only problem is that I didn't bother to graduate so I don't have an actual title.

Pic related, some stuff I did on my first year.
>> No. 319
I finished my course in Graphic Design, Web Design, Videography, Photography and Typography yet I still find it hard to come across work.

Best chance is to take the course again and actually get the 'worthless piece of paper'. It's not so worthless if you turn up to your job interview with one. If you turn up and your soon-to-be employer asks to see your 'worthless piece of paper' what are you going to do? All you can say is 'Oh.. I didn't actually get one of those'. He/she is just going to be thinking 'This guy is shit, there's loads of people out there who have a certificate.

>> No. 322
Basically you're fucked, according to >>319
>> No. 564
Make your piece, then take it to the employer. Don't go in empty handed! Take a portfolio of shit you've done and lay it out in front of the person like "Look, Im kickass"
>> No. 566
I'm going to be graduating with an MFA next month and everything graduates and my teachers have told me agrees with this.
People who are going to give you money are going to expect results and they want to see evidence that you can produce them. A solid portfolio and happy previous customers does this more than a piece of paper.

Based on your image I would suggest a lot more practice before approaching customers, but if you're eager I would start hitting up any friends or contacts you have who may know local business owners or entrepreneurs who might want some work done. Find a restaurant with a shitty self-done menu or ads and offer to redo them.
I would suggest doing a few for free before approaching anyone asking for money.
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