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File 13311295681.jpg - (183.24KB , 504x1000 , 1896 The Seasons 2 Summer.jpg )
369 No. 369 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Alphonse Mucha (1860 - 1939) dump.

en_wiki: "Alfons Maria Mucha known in English as Alphonse Mucha, was a Czech Art Nouveau painter and decorative artist, known best for his distinct style. He produced many paintings, illustrations, advertisements, postcards, and designs."
173 posts and 172 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 553
File 133124277020.jpg - (213.93KB , 709x1000 , Untitled_watercolour.jpg )
>> No. 554
File 133124279937.jpg - (230.13KB , 992x1000 , Winter_Night_1920_60x73cm.jpg )
>> No. 555
Thanks a bunch for the dump!

My ex-girlfriend is cuckoo for Mucha, so I'm going to save all of these with DownThemAll and email them to her.
>> No. 563
You have done a good thing here.
>> No. 750
great dump! thank you

File 135168195057.png - (30.30KB , 837x693 , GT logo layers.png )
737 No. 737 hide quickreply [Reply]
Any input on this? It's going to be used as a graphic on my friend's blog and for their blog's FaceBook webpage.

The website in question is focused on gaming, so I thought a 3-D representation of pixels would be nice. I created the logo by rendering the basic structure in Google Sketchup then tracing the lines in Gimp.

The edges of the outline are a little sharp, but that's nothing that I can't fix. The only bad part about it is that when the resolution becomes too small, it looks markedly worse.

Just, in terms of being a logo, is this decent? I am open to ideas if you guys have any. Feel free to share design tips.
>> No. 738
File 135168351492.png - (34.99KB , 837x693 , GT logo layer.png )

File 135148138479.png - (1.24MB , 1394x1198 , GTL.png )
733 No. 733 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey gentlebots.

I recently got a scanner and set up an online portfolio. I would really appreciate an honest critique.

>> No. 734
You can post urls you know. Here's his blog for anyone who wants to check it out but doesn't want to deal with his obnoxious formatting in his post:


SAGE has been used.
>> No. 735
thanks man, i appreciate it.

File 134251990287.jpg - (4.58MB , 2592x1936 , photo.jpg )
669 No. 669 hide quickreply [Reply]
Evening /art/. Can I have some constructive feedback on my paintings? Always looking for ways to improve. All my paintings are acrylic on canvas. Thanks all!
>> No. 672
If you're creating fleshtones and wet surfaces that well with acrylics, I'd like to see how you can do with oils.

In other words, I have no criticism because that's an awesome painting.
>> No. 729
In my opinion, there's something not right with the hand. It doesn't make any realistic sense on how the person holds the fish.

File 133237893189.jpg - (64.62KB , 640x480 , toolz.jpg )
565 No. 565 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
We're gonna start our first group art project guys!
This is based on an exercise/punishment my art teachers used to make me do.
It's called "Until it's Dry".
*One (1) Bic pen
*One (1) sheet of paper (Min. 8.5" x 11")

Here are the rules:
Buy yourself a new bic pen. It doesn't matter what colour, but you can only used one. Get a sheet of paper, it can be any size you want, but I suggest 8.5" x 11". Then draw. There is no subject, so it doesn't matter what you draw but the whole page must be used. The entire page has to be used. Keep drawing until the ink in the pen runs out and it no longer draws anymore.

So, if tonight is the 21st, lets say the 31st is the due date and everyone who participates will post all our work in this thread and have a critique and praise each other.

Have fun!
20 posts and 8 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 637
No, but I can make some. Gimme a month or so and I'll have some fun with it.
>> No. 638
cool, looking forward to seeing it.
>> No. 651
I leik all of yuor drawrings guis
>> No. 674

That makes a pretty good desktop background
>> No. 682
File 134627504116.jpg - (136.42KB , 300x453 , photo.jpg )

File 134058097158.jpg - (759.60KB , 1024x768 , Penguins.jpg )
657 No. 657 hide quickreply [Reply]
Where did creativity go? I demand we bring back the feel-good generation. I mean, what's with you people? Name one song that is in the charts right now that you like and explain to me why it is great and original.
>> No. 659
What charts? What?
>> No. 661
Yea I have no idea what you're babbling about either.
I think you're in the wrong board. This is for visual art.
>> No. 670
File 134293626940.jpg - (95.64KB , 500x333 , tumblr_lq7l8inVB71qfqw4f.jpg )
It's disappeared man. Everyone these days (most of the newer generation) has no creativity because technology is doing everything for them. I am lucky enough to not be so cluttered with tech and now I'm the blackest of sheep.
TL;DR> Good, creative people are a dying breed
>> No. 671
Except for, you know, all the people creating art. And all the new ways that technology is able to contribute to the creative process. And how the internet has enabled people to disseminate their creative works freely and easily. Particularly musicians, who no longer need the backing of record labels to record music (all you need for a professional quality recording these days is a mixing/mastering software program, and a laptop) or disseminate that music (bandcamp, soundcloud, last.fm, myspace,facebook, etc). You're right though, nobody is creative any more, except for the people who are. Which is like totally different from like how things have always like been...

SAGE has been used.

File 134129619657.jpg - (222.68KB , 720x540 , photo.jpg )
662 No. 662 hide quickreply [Reply]
Johnny cupcake design, I redrew it :-)

File 133974217934.jpg - (247.67KB , 640x480 , PicsArt_1339630801871.jpg )
646 No. 646 hide quickreply [Reply]
I did this the other day on my phone while waiting on the bus
>> No. 652
Well now I just feel even worse about my terrible scribbles in drawsomething. I'm assuming you either have a stylus or spaghetti noodle thin fingers.
>> No. 655
File 134035346798.jpg - (224.29KB , 640x480 , PicsArt_1339592999016.jpg )
Eh, it's mostly just photo manipulation and a sketchy outline of the face. Here's another one its not as good, I think. I want to go back and work on it or just start over.

File 133782492981.jpg - (36.04KB , 271x186 , photo.jpg )
630 No. 630 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hey /art/. I was wondering if you guys could name an artist for me. I think he's famous. His name starts with b and e.
He draws horror. I think it might be sonething like benksie. Thanks in advance for any answers.
>> No. 631
Do you have an example of his work?
>> No. 633

>> No. 643
I'm not OP, and I dunno if that's what he's looking for, but thanks for that. That guy is awesome and I'd never heard of him before.
>> No. 647

Yo, on page 1 or 2 there's a thread with like hundreds of his paintings, just a heads up.

File 133955018886.jpg - (49.53KB , 350x360 , ToulouseLautrec.jpg )
642 No. 642 hide quickreply [Reply]
I'm trying to find somewhere to download the majority of the art by Henri Toulouse-Lautrec. Anyone know of a place you can download a lot of nice famous artwork?

Also we should have a sticky for requests/database of artwork. Inspiration and what not.
>> No. 644
What are you looking for exactly, his post-impressionist work or his prints and posters? He's pretty famous for both.
>> No. 645
As much as possible, all of it preferably. I just want to download it in collections rather than having to pull a bunch of google images one at time.

File 133590395836.gif - (4.78MB , 250x191 , mindseye.gif )
614 No. 614 hide quickreply [Reply]
Hope you enjoy
>> No. 616
> Some

You mean one?

SAGE has been used.

File 132913565236.jpg - (2.94MB , 5100x7014 , 80sface1.jpg )
325 No. 325 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Lets have some cool digital artwork, stuff made from artifacts of digital imaging. By this I mean anything like datamoshing, pixel-sorting, Corrupted media etc.

Here are some experiments I did with my scanner. Smearing pictures from a book called "How To Photograph Women Beautifully"
6 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 344

And who could forget Wendy?
>> No. 590
File 13337925772.png - (222.96KB , 460x276 , zve8U.png )
glltch art
>> No. 591
File 13337926926.gif - (4.22MB , 440x587 , 350nm01.gif )
gli.tch ar
>> No. 592

glllzz r
>> No. 605
So, does http://yooouuutuuube.com count as glitch art? It's not exactly corrupted media, but it still fucks around with the format it was intended to be delivered in. I particularly like it with the duel scene from Once Upon a Time in the West.


File 133341071894.jpg - (690.29KB , 1600x1600 , Iamsoobviouslyfakeandthereisnothingyoucandoaboutit.jpg )
586 No. 586 hide quickreply [Reply]
Post your traditional art.
>> No. 587
I don't get it.
>> No. 604
Shoes are traditional..?

File 132822885073.png - (2.00MB , 2162x2552 , dissonance2.png )
315 No. 315 hide quickreply [Reply]
Why hello. Guys, I'm an amateur grapihc designer, that is to say I've had the proper education but I lack that worthless piece of paper that says I've had the proper education.

With this in mind, how can I find any work? I can't just put some adds on the newspaper since people who look for graphic designers there are looking for "professionals" and of course that translates to "people with an actual title to their credit". And there are enough of them around here to keep me unemployed.

Basically: Is there a way in which I can advertise myself as a freelance graphic designer who doesn't play by the rules and is loved by the ladies? Maybe something by word of mouth? How could I go about making this happen?

Anyway sorry if it's a stupid question. I really want to work and I think I'm talented and educated enough. My only problem is that I didn't bother to graduate so I don't have an actual title.

Pic related, some stuff I did on my first year.
>> No. 319
I finished my course in Graphic Design, Web Design, Videography, Photography and Typography yet I still find it hard to come across work.

Best chance is to take the course again and actually get the 'worthless piece of paper'. It's not so worthless if you turn up to your job interview with one. If you turn up and your soon-to-be employer asks to see your 'worthless piece of paper' what are you going to do? All you can say is 'Oh.. I didn't actually get one of those'. He/she is just going to be thinking 'This guy is shit, there's loads of people out there who have a certificate.

>> No. 322
Basically you're fucked, according to >>319
>> No. 564
Make your piece, then take it to the employer. Don't go in empty handed! Take a portfolio of shit you've done and lay it out in front of the person like "Look, Im kickass"
>> No. 566
I'm going to be graduating with an MFA next month and everything graduates and my teachers have told me agrees with this.
People who are going to give you money are going to expect results and they want to see evidence that you can produce them. A solid portfolio and happy previous customers does this more than a piece of paper.

Based on your image I would suggest a lot more practice before approaching customers, but if you're eager I would start hitting up any friends or contacts you have who may know local business owners or entrepreneurs who might want some work done. Find a restaurant with a shitty self-done menu or ads and offer to redo them.
I would suggest doing a few for free before approaching anyone asking for money.

File 133092777942.jpg - (105.49KB , 1440x1080 , 2012-03-05 14_03_32 (Large).jpg )
359 No. 359 hide quickreply [Reply]
I carved some guns out of balsa wood, and my girlfriend painted them. This is the first one that's finished.
>> No. 360
File 133092785938.jpg - (105.38KB , 1440x1080 , 2012-03-05 14_04_01 (Large).jpg )
I think I'll start on a western revolver or sawn off double barrel shotgun next.
>> No. 361
File 133092794981.jpg - (154.77KB , 1396x483 , 2012-03-05 14_03_10 (Large).jpg )
And I had some left over template balsa, and watched a bit of Bob Ross. This is the first time I've ever painted anything, never touched a brush before, and it took me about half an hour. What do you think?
>> No. 362
File 13309478751.jpg - (158.50KB , 1382x492 , 2012-03-05 19_40_37 (Large).jpg )
I did a couple more paintings while I was waiting for dinner.
>> No. 363
File 133094789136.jpg - (177.67KB , 1334x468 , 2012-03-05 19_41_08 (Large).jpg )
>> No. 510
Good stuff, I can't wait what will come of the revolver.

File 133110849669.jpg - (85.02KB , 600x400 , detroit1b.jpg )
366 No. 366 hide quickreply [Reply]
come visit Detroit

>> No. 367
File 133110924847.jpg - (98.79KB , 640x480 , IMG_1377.jpg )
i3 Detroit has been inspired by the many Hacker Spaces that have been created through out the globe such as Noisebridge, NYC Resistor, Cowtown Computer Congress and Psone.

>> No. 368

We provide the end state of the American city.

File 132830249879.jpg - (254.69KB , 5906x5906 , still(o(h)m1.jpg )
316 No. 316 hide quickreply [Reply]
becoming a clip
>> No. 317
>> No. 318
Higher res please.

File 132529360660.jpg - (1.86MB , 2560x1600 , 130609840291.jpg )
4 No. 4 hide expand quickreply [Reply]
Stuff that you wish you could draw.
2 posts and 1 image omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 7
Have at it.
>> No. 110
I could draw that I just don't have enough pencil crayons.

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>> No. 311
File 132821919222.jpg - (549.97KB , 620x3476 , zelda_25th_anniversary.jpg )
>> No. 312
File 132822787976.jpg - (6.82MB , 1997x2307 , 128625129315.jpg )
>Stuff that you wish you could draw.
Shit, man, EVERYTHING.
>> No. 796
Psh. All I've been wanting to draw for the past six months are dead bodies. I don't have the skill required to make them look as dramatic as I'd like, however.

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File 132555358627.jpg - (283.98KB , 640x800 , Zdzisław Beksiński - 7.jpg )
8 No. 8 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Dumping Beksiński's paintings
99 posts and 99 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 109
File 132555721597.jpg - (48.33KB , 632x768 , Zdzisław Beksiński - 1986.jpg )
>> No. 111
This is incredibly appreciated. Have you got any more folders like this to dump? Anything.
>> No. 112
In this quantity? Only H. R. Giger, I'm afraid.
>> No. 128

Please dump his stuff, too, any anything else you've got. Doesn't have to be in this quantity!
>> No. 310
File 132821882718.jpg - (218.46KB , 590x900 , rafal_olbinski_bachelor_button.jpg )
Bless you,OP

I'll post some of Olbinski's works later today as thanks

File 132641119439.jpg - (297.18KB , 771x1200 , hr_giger_birthmachine.jpg )
129 No. 129 hide expand quickreply [Reply] [First 100 posts] [Last 50 posts]
Sure thing.

Commencing long-ass H. R. Giger dump.
134 posts and 134 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No. 265
File 132641403196.jpg - (233.21KB , 862x1200 , hr_giger_biomechanoid_mit3koepfen.jpg )
>> No. 266
I'll continue sometime later.
>> No. 267
Triptykon is the shit.
>> No. 268
God, that guy is fucked up...
>> No. 296
Much appreciated, too. Whenever you have the time, it would be great if you could dump the rest! Like I said in the other thread you made, it doesn't necessarily be in this quantity, anything to fill this board again!

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